Monday, April 10, 2006

Todays Announcements

The Buffalo Alliance for Education is giving away 10 Dell Computers to college-bound seniors during the month of April.
Please visit their website, click Scholarships Connection and register to win or stop into the Guidance Office for a flyer.

The “Cream a Teacher” raffle continues this week during all lunches in the cafeteria. Purchase chances to throw a pie at one of your favorite teachers to benefit St. Jude’s Cancer Research. Today’s Clue:… They are all male teachers, two on the 1st floor & one on the 2nd floor.

Attention all SADD members: Reminder that Wednesday April 12th we will meet in Room 120. Anyone planning on attending the SADD field trip must be in attendance.

Any senior who is an active member of National Honor Society, Student Council or FBLA is eligible to apply for a $1,000 Data Match scholarship. Applications are availible in Guidance; deadline is May 15th.

Each year, the Marilla Kiwanis Club invite 5 seniors who live in the town of Marilla to Senior Recognition Night to be honored for academic seccess and service to the community. If you are a senior who lives in the town of marilla, please see Mrs. Delzer for an application. There is also a $500 scholarship awarded to one of the seniors who attends.

Attention students taking the SAT : practice booklets are now available in the Guidence office.

Students who attend the Future Techers field trip to Buffalo State College last Thursday, Please see Ms. Gilmore sometime today.

Grade 11 + 12 leadership is meeting on Wednesday this week.

Attention Seniors: If you have not paid for your cap + gown for graduation, please do so as soon as possible. The cost is $20.00.

School Talent show: Anyone interested in auditioning for our talent show should sign up for a time slot. The sign up sheet is located on the Chorus Room Door- Room 129. Auditions will take place the Monday after Easter.

Any student who was absent on Friday and would like to fill out a Data Match survey should report to the Guidance Office right after announcements. The surveys will be mailed out today by noon. Remember : data Match reports will be available for $1.00 right after spring break. You do not have to purchase you print out to participate. Over 500 students completed surveys. Don’t miss out on the fun. Fill one out today.