Tuesday, March 14, 2006

march 14 announcements

Attention Juniors: If you are interested in attending the college fair on Tuesday, march 21 at the buffalo convention center, you need to sign up in guidance by march 17th

If you are interested in a career in architecture, and would like to attend a challenge seminar at UB on April 4th, please sign up in guidance

All athletic association members are to repeat to the weight room during advisement Wednesday for yearbook pictures

Just a reminder swim makeup’s are right after school on 3/14 3/16 3/23

Six flags Darien lake is now accepting applications for summer jobs you can apply online at www.sixflagsjobs.com
There will be an USSA meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, March 15, after school at burgard high school. It is very important that you pick up permission slip in the guidance office today if you are attending