Friday, March 10, 2006

march 10th anouncements

Attention future teachers of America club members: there will be a very important meeting on Monday march 13 at 2:30 in room 111. A field trip to buffalo state college will be reviewed. Anyone interested should attend.

Attention juniors: if you are interested in attending the college fair on Tuesday, march 21 at the buffalo convention center, you need to sign up in guidance by march 17th

Attention French club students. Please see madam dimming as soon as possible if you would like information on a French club trip to France during Easter breaks in 2007.

Grease tickets are being sold in all lunches. Please remember that all seats are reserved

Winners of the book fair raffle for pizza hut vouchers are:
Joelle Rozanski
Chris Lovern
Brea Erny
Kelsey Rebmann
Please stop by the library to pick up your prize

Attention yearbook staff-there will be a group picture during advisement on Monday march 13th during advisement

Just a reminder, swim makeup’s are right after school on 3/7 3/14 3/16 3/23